mardi 25 juin 2019

Iris versicolor

Iris versicolor

Know Your Remedies: Iris Versicolor (Iris.) is available from our online store as a single remedy in either pills or liquid and as part of the following Complex (combination remedy Headache Migraine. This is a wild flower of Eastern North America, and one of the few native iris species in garden cultivation. Iris versicolor prefers full sun to partial shade and blooms approximately May, June, and July. Or see all the Iris thumbnails at the Plants Gallery.

Iris versicolor (Northern Blue Flag) matures to 24-in height and grows best in wet, wet mesic, and mesic soil conditions. Iris veriscolor, commonly called northern blue flag, is a clump-forming iris that is native to marshes, swamps, wet meadows, ditches and shorelines from Manitoba to Nova Scotia south to Virginia, Ohio, Illinois and Minnesota. It has deep blue to purple flowers, the foliage is sword-like, and the flowers are complex and very showy.

Homeopathic Iris Versicolor indications, uses symptoms from materia medicas, linked and cross referenced. A Modern Herbal Iris Versicolor (Linn.) is a perennial herb, found abundantly in swamps and low grounds throughout eastern and central North America, common in Canada, as well as in the United States, liking a loamy or peaty soil. Best used in flower and water gardens, edges of ponds, and areas in which it may naturalize.

Know Your Remedies

A Modern Herbal

Important While above self-limiting or acute complaints are suitable for home treatment, also contact your healthcare provider during emergency situations or if). It is a marginal aquatic plant that forms a clump of narrow, arching-to-erect, sword-shape blue-green leaves (to 24). Iris versicolor is also commonly known as the blue flag, harlequin blueflag, larger blue flag, northern blue flag, and poison flag, plus other variations of these names, and in Britain and Ireland as purple iris. Iris versicolor, commonly known as the larger blue flag iris, is an herbaceous herb that reaches to feet tall.

It is a species of Iris native to North America, in the Eastern United States and Eastern Canada.
It prefers to grow in rich, moist soils and is happy in wet areas of pond margins, wet meadows, and marshy areas where it multiplies naturally forming clumps. Benefits from the addition of lime and rich, organic materials.

Prefers rich, well-draine loamy, peaty soils in full to partial shade. arbustes pour haie mellifre, pour les Une plante mellifre produit du nectar qui est utilisé par les abeilles pour produire du miel. 1 et septembre 20JOURN ÉES EUROP ÉENNES DU PATRIMOINE. AllRight Jardin Charrette Main Camion Pneu de Transport Chariots de Service Roues Noir.

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